My LC United Soccer

Player Expectations

LC United is a player centric club that wants to help guide the players to play at the highest level that is suitable for their desires. The players are the club, and as such always come first and are most important.

As the club values each one of its players, we expect the same in return, the players valuing the club.

Players are selected by the teams head coach, along with input from the entire coaching staff. It is important that players observe the guidelines established by the Club, League and State Associations.

An LC United Player will:

  • Train and play to the best of their ability
  • Have a positive attitude and never quit
  • Win without boasting and exemplify sportsmanship
  • Respect officials and accept their decisions without question
  • Only give positive encouragement to fellow teammates
  • Arrive prepared for all games and training sessions (proper mental attitude and equipment)
  • Respect the coach, teammates and opponents
  • Learn and obey the Laws of the Game, the team and the club
  • Practice soccer skills and condition on my own
  • Notify the coach if I will be tardy for or unable to make a practice game or meeting


An LC United Player will never:

  • Allow my enthusiasm and commitment for soccer to override my responsibilities to my education
  • Use profane or vulgar language
  • Use a controlled substance unless prescribed by a physician
  • Leave the field or a session without the permission of the coach
  • Disregard any instructions of the coach
  • Forget that I represent the Dallas Texans Soccer Club


The training session is the core of a players development:

  • Player must attend the required number of training sessions per week.
  • Players must arrive at the field 10 minutes prior to practice time.
  • Players must practice in their Capelli practice uniform, and have proper gear.
  • Players must bring plenty of water.
  • If a player must arrive late or leave a practice early, the coach must be notified in advance.
  • If a player needs to miss a practice, notification must be made to the coach. That practice must be made up with another team as directed by the coach.
  • Players are allowed to practice with other teams in the club (check with both coaches first).


*More information will be provided during team meetings.


Games & Events:

  • Players must be available for all games unless excused by the coach for an emergency.
  • Players must arrive at the field for local games 30-60 minutes before the start time. For out of town games, players are required to arrive at the field 1 hour and 30 minutes prior to the start time.
  • Players must arrive properly and uniformly dressed.
  • Players can only be instructed by the coach during the game.
  • If a player will be late for the game or has to leave the game early, the coach must be notified in advance.
  • If a player is unable to attend an out of town event due to an emergency, the coach must be notified in a timely manner so that the player can be replaced for the event. 
  • Players must follow all LC United Travel Guidelines.
  • Players must behave according to North Texas, League and Tournament rules.


*More information will be provided during team meetings.